Meiji shrine
Dedicated to Emperor Meiji and his consort Empress Shoken, Meiji shrine was built in 1920 after their death. Emperor Meiji ascended to the throne at the age of 15 in 1868 and contributed a lot to modernization of Japan.

Large barrels of sake with makers’ names are stacked up as offerings. Sake plays an important role in Shinto rites and festivals like wedding ceremony.

Wine barrels donated by wine makers to pray for a fruitful relationships between Japan and France.

Pass thru the two story Nanjinmon gate to the main shrine.

Big camphor trees at left side of Main shrine look one tree but actually a couple trees as if they stay close. So called a couple tree and believed to be a symbol of peaceful family and couple.

If you are lucky you can see the wedding procession here. The bride is wearing a gorgeous white kimono and a white headdress called Tsunokakushi. The couple performs a sake drinking ritual called “San san ku do” meaning three, three and nine times in a traditional Japanese wedding ceremony. They each take three sips from three lacquered sake cups that’s nine sips in all.

At main shrine people pray for the family and good health in a Shinto style.
On new years days more than 3 million people visit here.

We write our wishes on Ema, votive tablet with chrysanthemum and paulownia painted.

The shrine opens at sunrise and closes at dawn, so the opening times change by month.
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