Tokyo’s first Cherry blossom at Yasukuni Shrine

A cherry tree with straw belt wrapped may look old and normal.
But this is a special Someiyoshino species!!
When this Somei yoshino cherry tree standing by Nogakudo hall of Yasukuni shrine starts to bloom, Japan Meteorological Agency officially announces the start of the cherry blossom season in Tokyo. Then all Japanese prepare for cherry blossom picnic in Tokyo. They spread the sheet under cherry trees, enjoy eating, and drinking while viewing cherry blossoms.
Yasukuni Shrine
Founded in 1869 on the order of Emperor Meiji Yasukuni shine is a Shinto shrine dedicated to souls of about 2.5 million Japanese who died in war for their country.

Go through the Shinmon gate with chrysanthemum Imperial family crest, and more than 400 cherry trees including Someiyoshino will welcome you in the precincts of the shrine.

Nogakudo hall

Noh is periodically performed at Nogakudo hall next to Someiyoshino cherry tree, although unfortunately today’s play is cancelled because of COVID-19.
Yu-shukan, museum of war related artifacts, documents

Yu-shukan is a museum of war related artifacts and documents.

Victim of war is not only people but animals suffered.There are statues dedicated to dogs and horses which died in WWⅡ.
Shin-ike Japanese Garden
Shin-ike garden is a small garden with pond beautifully reflecting cherry trees.

Yasukuni shrine is one of must place to view Cherry blossoms in Tokyo.

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